Diseases that Harm Require Therapies that Harm Less

---Sir William Osler(1849-1919)
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2024 APAGE-ISMIVS HIFU Webinar: Prevention and Treatment of Cervical Cancer

Focused on the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer, this webinar has invited Prof. Chyi-Long Lee (Chairman of Board of Trustees, APAGE), Dr. S. Selva (Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Mahkota Medical Center), Prof. Tsung-Ho Ying (Director, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chung Shan Medical University), Prof. Qiuling Shi (Vice Director, State Key Laboratory of Ultrasound in Medicine and Engineering of China), and Dr. Wang Xi (Deputy Director, Clinical Training Center at Chongqing Haifu Hospital), to discuss how to help women prevent or treat cervical cancer through minimally invasive and noninvasive ways.

Join free of charge!
Date and Time: 19:30 (GMT+8), May 9th (Thursday)
Registration: https://bit.ly/ISMIVS2024

Looking forward to seeing you!



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